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Farm Fresh Humanely Raised Free Range Rabbit Meat

Farm Fresh Humanely Raised Free Range Rabbit Meat

At Dragonfly Farms, we believe that happy animals yield the highest quality meat product. Our rabbits are fed a nutritionally-balanced rabbit feed, and a variety of fresh vegetables including collards, mustard greens, cabbage, red cabbage, celery, herbs, and yes, even the occasional carrot! And to further ensure our rabbits live a healthy, happy life, they are allowed free range in the 'rabbit tractor'--a 4' X 8' secure enclosure that they can use to run around and forage on the growing earth, and just be rabbits! We even plant crops specifically with our rabbits in mind such as red clover, winter rye grass, and dandelion. Their low-stress life and varied, healthy diet leads to a wonderfully nutritious meat product.

Rabbit meat is an excellent choice to feed your pets if you have them on a raw diet. Contact us for special orders if you would like the organs included with your meat.

Price is per pound.

    Domestic rabbit has a delicate flavor, comparable to chicken in taste, but not identical. It contains more protein than beef, pork and lamb, and at the same time only has a small amount of fat. Because rabbit meat has almost no “saturated” fat, even people who have serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract, may eat it.

    Rabbit meat is one of the best “white meats” available on the market today. Besides protein, it contains vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins B and C, potassium, iron, phosphorus, and trace minerals. But it has a minimal amount of sodium salts, that makes it an important dietetic product. It is common for rabbit meat to be used in special diets for the aged, for heart disease patients, low sodium diets, etc.
    You can use rabbit meat in any recipe that you would normally use poultry. It is great grilled, fried, stewed, baked, or in soups and stews. 

    Price is per pound.


    Sorry, we offer no returns or exchanges on our animal products. These items are highly perishable and not subject to return or exchange.

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