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About Dragonfly Farms

We are a small family Homestead/Cottage Industry focused on raising sustainable food and agricultural products and humanely raised meats


Our Mission is to have our family be as sustainable and self-sufficient as possible, while raising, harvesting, and consuming our home-grown products humanely and responsibly, considering our impact on our community and local ecosystems. We will share our bounty and blessings with our friend, neighbors, and community.


At Dragonfly Farms, we believe that the current 'main-stream' way of big agri-business is not only ultimately unsustainable as a means of producing foods, but also inhumane to the animals raised in such a system, as well as detrimental to the health of consumers, their companion animals, the local ecosystems that surround factory farms, and the planet as a whole. We are all a vital and intrinsic part of the web of life that sustains all things. Each living thing from the humblest of weeds to the most advanced sentient beings are all dependant on each other for our health and ultimate survival. As humans we have put in place systems that blind us to this interconnectedness and give us the illusion of being separate and apart from the web of life. Dragonfly Farms seeks to be a part of humanity getting back to its 'roots' in whatever small part that we can.


Here you will find animals raised with loving care, treated with dignity and respect from birth until processing. We honor and respect our livestock's place in the web of life and give thanks to them for all they give us. We think that our consumers will be aware of the dramatic difference between what is traditionally available commercially and what we have to offer. Thank you for helping us to support our family and in the process helping us to bring humanity and compassion back to farming production. On the following pages of this site you will find what products we have to offer including livestock, humanely raised and processed meats, seasonal produce, and even some hand-crafted gifts, home remedies, concoctions, and oddities as well. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have about our specific products or methods. 


Thank you for your support and visiting our site!

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